Dune Rats - Photo Gallery 11th March @ Metropolis, Fremantle WA

Dune Rats
Metropolis, Fremantle, WA
March 11th, 2017Supported by: Skegss & The Gooch Palms
Brisbane stoner rockers Dune Rats kicked off their unbelievable completely Sold Out Australian tour in Freo overnight with Skegss and The Gooch Palms in tow. Featuring giant joints, sweaty punters and a night of rocking out and laughs for all. Dunies are on the rise and like their good mates Violent Soho, you'll definitely be seeing a lot more of them as the time goes by.
Photos courtesy of the awesomely talented Jerika Faithfull. Please credit Wall of Sound and Photographer if you use photos.
Instagram: @FaithfullPhotography
Revisit our review of The Kids Will Know It's Bullshit here
The Gooch Palms


Dune Rats

Dune Rats - Australian Tour
Sunday, 12th March — SOLD OUT
The Gov, Adelaide
Monday, 13th March — SOLD OUT
The Gov, Adelaide (AA)
Thursday, 16th March — SOLD OUT
The Croxton, Melbourne
Friday, 17th March — SOLD OUT
The Croxton, Melbourne
Saturday, 18th March — SOLD OUT
The Croxton, Melbourne
Wednesday, 22nd March — SOLD OUT
The Triffid, Brisbane
Thursday, 23rd March — SOLD OUT
The Triffid, Brisbane
Friday, 24th March — SOLD OUT
The Triffid, Brisbane
Saturday, 25th March — SOLD OUT
The Metro, Sydney
Sunday, 26th March — SOLD OUT
The Metro, Sydney