Wall of Sound presents “2016 YEAR IN REVIEW” – by Trophy Wives’ Scott Eckel

Heavy Metal Wordsmith
Dec 13, 2016
7 min read

Brisbane based drummer Scott Eckel has had a massive year scoring the opportunity of a lifetime to join upcoming US based pop-punk act Trophy Wives as their new drummer under the watchful eye of producer John Feldmann who was the mastermind behind Blink-182's new album California. We broke the news and have been following his success for years (dating back to bands such as Satellites and I Am Villain) and seriously can't wait to see what's next for the guy. Until then we grabbed him before he got too famous to return our calls for his opinion of Wall of Sound's 2016 Year in Review which goes like this...

Top 5 Albums of 2016

blink - cali

1 blink-182California

2 DrakeViews (yes, I love Drake, his tunes just get me feeling some kind of way)

3 A Loss For WordsCrises (it comes out later this month, and it was pretty damn great, 10/10 would recommend)

4 (Tie) Architects - All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us / Beartooth - Aggressive (best gym tunes)

5 The WeekndStarboy (this is only fresh, but I can’t stop spinning this thing)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lic0oCDMfwk&w=853&h=480]

Top 5 Songs of 2016

1 Kings of The Weekend – blink-182 (that’s just my go to, it’s the riff track!)

2 Everybody – Don Broco

3 This Could Be Heartbreak – The Amity Affliction

4 Cheek – Moose Blood

5 Quality of Life – Hellions ( I can’t go past this one, I love this song)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3I6De-F6Nc&w=853&h=480]

Best Music Video of 2016

I rarely get into music videos these days, but I’m going with the boys in State ChampsLosing Myself. Ty’s enthusiasm is me at my job!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMdxoWnqLJo&w=853&h=480]

Best Gig You Saw In 2016

This one is a toss up, I’ve been some HUGE shows this year just from being away, like being a part of 5SOS’s Sold Out show at Madison Square Garden, sitting in seats I’d never be able to afford, to running on stage filming John Feldmann takeover the stage in SF. But the best show for me personally, just happened on the weekend. I’ve been super unwell but made it out to catch The Used play their Self-Titled album in full. That’s something I never thought I’d get to see.


Best Show Your Band Played In 2016

The best show my band WILL play this year is the Four Year Strong Holiday show this December, AND I WON’T EVEN BE THERE! Heartbreaking stuff man. But, I would have to say playing Boston Warped was a cool experience, even though we were severely under-practiced, over exhausted and pretty much just sucked compared to the level we strive for now haha.

[caption id="attachment_21747" align="aligncenter" width="583"]


Scott Eckel with Trophy Wives at Boston Warped Tour[/caption]


What Are You Most Looking Forward To In 2017

2017 is going to be interesting, that’s when things are obviously going to start kicking off for me and my crew back in the States. We’ve been chatting and nothing has ever been set in stone as of yet, but I’ve been told it’s about to get really ‘fun”. Obviously there’s a tonne of stuff I can’t even really mention yet, but I hope it all starts coming out soon! Basically, album release, tours, more tours, and just living the dream man.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1sWwVG9VRc&w=853&h=480]


Thanks for the contribution Scotty. Keep in touch mate!

Facebook: Trophy Wives

Twitter: @trophywivesri; @trophyscott

YouTube: ScottEckelDrum

Instagram: Scott Eckel

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