Big Sound 2017 Just. Got. Bigger.

Heavy Metal Wordsmith
Jul 27, 2017
7 min read

133+ artists will make their way to Brissie in Sepetmber for the annual music junket known to some as Big Sound and Brisbane's Best Music Industry Piss-Up to those in the know. The first announcement featured our tips for who we reckon will explode after this year's event including Polaris, Introvert, Clowns, Pagan, Endless Heights and Pandamic.

We might as well extent that list to the following:


Having already blown us away at Big Sound 2015 it was only a matter of time before these Brisbanites blew everyone else up. They're currently touring their new Wild & Weak EP and scored opening slots for Dune Rats and mother-fuckin' FALL OUT BOY. Good things take time and we're stoked for these legends


Belle Haven

Having signed to Greyscale Records and released a pretty decent album back in June, Belle Haven are moments away from getting snatched up for bigger things and after Big Sound that'll be a guarantee.


Drown This City

The post-hardcore outfit will be on show to prove they're worthy of a spot on our list, having released their False Idols EP in June 2016, the band have remained relatively silent, popping up here and there but I believe it's because they're set to take us by storm at a big event... like Big Sound? Don't miss what they have to offer.


Osaka Punch

Their Death Monster Super Squad EPscored a 9/10 from one of the hardest guys to please here at Wall of Sound HQ, but Plugga loved it so much he even mentioned them as his Next Big Band in Australia to wrap up his 2016 Year in Review list... That bloke is hardly ever wrong, so we better put them in here or he'll have a cry.



Because, it's Scalphunter!


big sound 17

Big Sound Festival 2017
Sept 5-8, Brisbane QLD

Rainbow Pass – $85.00
Four nights of live music + BIGSOUND Festival Closing Party

Single Night Pass – $45.00
Access to a single night of live music

Access All Areas Purple Pass – $470.00
Access to all live show, conferences, parties, delegate portal and more

Tickets Here

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