We FUCKING love Architects. Whether it be their heavy as fucking hell sound, their high-impact lyrical content or their ability to own a crowd from the second they take to the stage or the second we play one of their songs. But true fans love the band for one more reason and that is the one little word frontman Sam Carter belts out ever so gracefully during moments of pure emotion in their songs: "BLEGH!"
Its has now become such an iconic staple of Architects tracks that you can tell whenever it approaches during their performances, you better believe the crowd will be screaming that word/sound in unison with you. So, to get you ready for the band's Holy Hell Tour (kicking off tonight in Adelaide), let's check out The Top 14 BLEGH's In Architects Songs...
#14 - 'The Empty Hourglass' from All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us (1:31) and (2:58)
1. I see it crystal clear, but it means nothing to me - BLEGH!
2. I see it crystal clear, but it means nothing to me - BLEGH!
Same line, same BLEGH! same effect!
#13 - 'The Seventh Circle' from Holy Hell (0:05) and (0:32)
1. - BLEGH!
2. Every waking moment is war This is the seventh circle - BLEGH!
The quickest and the BLEGHs! in history with the first one appearing in just 5 seconds and the second coming across as a blah! more than a BLEGH! Still, I'm counting it and there's nothing you can do or say about it!
#12 - 'Deathwish' from All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us (1:11)
Maybe we just want to watch the world burn/We just want to watch the world burn - BLEGH!
A BLEGH! to take us into a chuggy yet slow breakdown works just as good as going into a fast-paced throwdown inducing one wouldn't you say?
#11 - 'The Shadow Of Doubt' from Lost Together // Lost Forever [Deluxe Edition] (0:29)
Still, we'll never trust, hands around our necks/Around our necks - BLEGH!
BLEGH! + heavy, djenty riffs? Sign us the fuck up!
#10 - 'Phantom Fear' from All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us (1:40)
So read between the lines/This is a failed state - BLEGH!
Can you hear the BLEGHS! in the air? I swear they're everywhere, they're everywhere!
#9 - 'Gone With The Wind' from All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us (1:24)
Do you remember when you said to me/"My friend, hope is a prison."/Hope is a prison - BLEGH!
Don't you dare say you haven't screamed that one at the top of your lungs with tears in your eyes at one point in your life...
#8 - 'Hereafter' from Holy Hell (3:06)
I wasn't braced for the fallout - BLEGH!
The first new BLEGH! we heard from the lads when they released their latest album Holy Hell and you better believe we screamed it loud and proud.
#7 - 'Nihilist' from All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us (1:04)
The dying notes in an unholy symphony - BLEGH!
Followed by a fast-paced assault on the senses guaranteed to get the circle pit running at full speed once that infamous B-word is belted out!
#6 - 'These Colours Don't Run' from Daybreaker (1:58)
So repeat this line, everything, everything is fine....... BLEGH!
A literal sneeze and you'll miss it moment from wayyy back in the catalogues. (Sidenote if this came after the lyrics "You had it all, you fucking pigs!" later in the song, it surely would have opened the pits to hell, so maybe it's a good thing they didn't place it there!)
#5 - 'Broken Cross' from Lost Together // Lost Forever (2:01)
One thing's for sure, he doesn't fucking love us - BLEGH! Blegh! blegh!
Yep, that's right, an echoed and fading BLEGH! after an insult to God... What more could you want???
#4 - 'Gravedigger' from Lost Forever // Lost Together (0:31), (2:12) and (3:27)
1. You are the reason we are bitter and then some - BLEGH!
2. You fucking parasite - BLEGH!
3. You are the reason we are bitter and then some - BLEGH!
Two lines are exactly the same and one is the perfect way to describe someone sucking the life out of you... fucking BLEGH! indeed.
#3 - 'A Match Made In Heaven' from All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us (0:21) and (1:37)
1. Tell me was it all worth it, to watch your kingdom grow? All the anchors in the ocean haven't sunk this low - BLEGH!
2. We found your fingerprints all over the trigger/If you're looking for tyrants, take a look in the mirror - BLEGH!
Not one but TWO BLEGHS! in a fantastic song which leave a bigger impact than that of 'Gravedigger' which has three. Sometimes less is more and this is pure example of that.
#2 - 'Royal Beggars' from Holy Hell (3:41)
We sit on a throne, waiting for God to bend the knee/But we're nothing more than royal beggars/Yeahhhh - BLEGH!
So unexpected and unnecessary but oh so welcomed by this song dubbed 'Royal Bleghars' by fans...
and the winner is...
# 1 - 'Naysayer' from Lost Forever // Lost Together (1:01)
You can't stop me giving a fuck - BLEGH!
If you're in the moshpit when this absolute banger comes on, brace yourself for the onslaught of bodies and spit you're gonna copy to the face if you're standing in front of someone passionately screaming out the lyrics word for word. Voted the BEST BLEGH! from a legion of Architects fans in the WoS office and some of our loyal readers (shout out to you Angie and Jacko), there'll be nothing left behind when this BLEGH! takes centre stage on the Australian Holy Hell Tour (let's hope they play it loljks they will right?)
BLEGH! by Browny @brownypaul