MySpace revival is alive and well right now and why shouldn't it be? You're finding out now that musicians in heavy music grew up listening to bands like Asking Alexandria and Attack Attack! so of course the revivalists are going to sound nostalgic of that time.
In this piece, you'll get some insight into what inspired me to make the music I do right now and where I'm going in the future. I LOVED the music of this time. I feel like they represented my entire mission as a musician. They really just wanted to make fun music that you could sing along with and dance to and, most of all did not take themselves so seriously.
I feel like I, as an artist, needs to bring the fun back into heavy music so that's where this all came from.
#8 From First To Last
Yes, yes, Skrillex used to be AND STILL IS EMO. Songs from their debut album Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has A Bodycount (too self-aware for their age right?) are still being played in emo clubs today despite the vocalist being one of the most innovative and popular electronic musicians of the present day. Seriously, the is no one in the world like Emily.
#7 BrokenCyde
BrokenCyde walked so Emo-Rap of the present day could RUN. One of the first instalments of cringeworthy mall-metal meets vulgar rap from some white kids just doing their thing. Sounds familiar in the present day right? Well, I suppose present-day emo-rap is much more refined and somewhat less of a parody of itself than this artist. Don't get me wrong, a couple of BC songs straight up slap. Check out Always Go Hard.
#6 Breathe Carolina
Who started off as one of the most innovative emo-pop band's that turned into some DJ's playing club bangers for the world's party scene? It's these guys. I cannot speak highly enough of this band's ability to write songs that you just want to sing along with and have a heartbreaking summer fling to.
#5 Attack Attack!
You never said this would be easy. No seriously, I cut out so many bands I would have liked on my top 8 but I cannot cut this one. Despite being probably the most hated band in the entire metalcore community, Attack Attack!'s first release was one of the most groundbreaking breakthrough albums of its time, paving the way for literally three-quarters of the metalcore bands at Warped Tour. EVERYONE wanted to copy this sound and did it in a way that would make them less of the butt of every metalcore joke that exists.
#4 Drop Dead, Gorgeous
Underrated is not a word I throw around lightly but this band's relatively short discography broke every boundary that was being pushed by post-hardcore bands of its time. These guys know how to write a singalong hook, a dissonant mathy riff, and a brutal breakdown, all the while going berserk on stage. Too many people slept on these guys. I can't even find their 2009 album on Spotify; what's up with that?
#3 Greeley Estates
Not many bands these days get heavier with each release but, holy shit, did Greeley get heavy. Starting off as a breakthrough, dissonant metalcore act of the early 00's with the most haunting and emotional vocals I've ever heard in my life and then transitioning into a disgustingly brutal Deathcore act with, and I do not say this lightly, the best high screams I've ever heard so far.
#2 The Medic Droid
There's so much to talk about with these guys but I won't keep you much longer. Saw them a couple of years ago and was hit with the most immense sense of inspiration for being a musician. You laugh at that now but I wanted THIS. Emo-Pop, fun and catchy choruses and really out of place distorted guitars. This band aged like a fine egg but Necronata is probably just The Medic Droid but with current production. I don't make the rules.
#1 Bring Me The Horizon
You don't have to come to this article to hear about this band anymore so I won't say much. Objectively the best band of the current generation, constantly pushing musical boundaries while still maintaining their own unique brand and reworking their image with masterful precision. I don't believe in industry plants but what the fuck can I say?
Words by Necronata
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Necronata's new EP THE MEAT is out now (our review here)
Stream here

Necronata – The MEAT EP tracklisting:
1. Diabolical
2. Cirque Du Freak featuring Le Vide
3. Obsessions
4. Panda Eyes
5. Crimson