Do you know where you are? Did Guns N' Roses know where they were last night? Of course they did, don't be stupid! A small lapse of judgement made by longtime instrument tech McBob saw the guy call out "Sydney" instead of Melbourne at the start of their show at the MCG and Melbournians are in a huff about it, to which I say, get over it.
Over the course of years bands from all over the world have travelled far and wide across our huge arse country and you can't expect them to get it right all the time. With cities names like Biloela, Wagga Wagga, Bathurst, Dunedoo, Rooty Hill and so on there is always the chance of a slip up. The amount of times I've heard bands refer to Melbourne as Mel-Born instead astounds me but I don't correct them. This was the band's first show in the Southern City since 1993's Calder Park concert so a bit of time has passed since then.

Hearing stories about booing and punters leaving just goes to show how stuck up and disrespectful people can be about the little things in life that necessarily aren't an issue. I'm sure those who saw the funny side of it had an exceptional night watching the guys belt out their massive back catalogue of songs and completely forgot about the blunder, but seeing the amount of "attention" it's received this morning has me scratching my head wondering "what's the big deal?" If it personally offended you, you need to drop your soy chai latte, pull your man-bun out and have a good long hard look at yourself in the mirror. If it didn't then continue living life and rocking out like a true champion.
No need to apologise guys, thanks for coming \m/
Browny (@brownypaul)
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHXM5ELefNg&w=853&h=480]