You'd be hard pressed to find any emo/scene kid who hasn't heard of Mayday Parade or listened to their debut album A Lesson In Romantics. If you've been living under a rock for the last 10 years you may have missed this stellar release, but don't worry, you still have time to learn all the words before the 10 Year Anniversary Tour kicks off in Sydney on October 12th.
Every listen to ALIR is a walk down memory lane, the 12-track pumped full of nostalgic jams that probably counselled you through your first breakup at age 14; we have all cried along to 'Miserable at Best' at least once in our lives.
I put a call-out on Facebook and Twitter asking people to respond with what the album meant to them;
I also searched the album on Twitter, and it seems the rest of the world is just as enamoured over this album as all my emo friends.
The verdict is in; A Lesson In Romantics is one of the best albums ever, and every Aussie venue is going to be flooded with tears during this tour.
There are tickets left for a few Australian shows, which you can nab from Select Touring.